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User:SethAllen623/Vital articles/Level/5/Literature

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Literature is the full body of all written works organized into an art form and includes all of the following: (1) prose fiction, drama, and poetry; (2) transcribed folk tales and oral traditions; and (3) non-fictional works such as biographies, diaries, essays, memoirs, and letters. Literary works may be published in the form of books, articles, or other printed materials, and distributed and proliferated by any number of mechanical or electronic means. Literature is a major method of recording, preservation, and transmission for the world's knowledge and entertainment.

This user-made vital articles sublist includes 2,036 subjects related to literature for which I personally believe the English Wikipedia should have corresponding articles. Articles are labeled based on their quality as outlined below.

  • Featured articles
  • Former featured articles
  • A-class articles
  • Good articles
  • Delisted good articles
  • B-class articles
  • C-class articles
  • Start-class articles
  • Stub-class articles
  • List-class articles
  • Unassessed
  • A full list is at Template:Icon/doc.



Basics (quota: 40 articles)


Literary genres (quota: 150 articles)


Narrative (quota: 50 articles)


Literatures by area, language, and religion (quota: 110 articles)


History of world literature (8 articles)


Specific works of literature (quota: 1,686 articles)


Nonfiction (quota: 550 articles)


Nonfiction of antiquity (59 articles)

  1. Almagest
  2. Anabasis
  3. Analects
  4. Annals
  5. Antiquities of the Jews
  6. Apology
  7. The Art of War
  8. Arthashastra
  9. The Book of Healing
  10. Book of the Dead
  11. Chinese classics
    1. Book of Documents
    2. Book of Rites
    3. I Ching
    4. Spring and Autumn Annals
  12. Classic of Mountains and Seas
  13. Confessions
  14. Corpus Aristotelicum
    1. Metaphysics
    2. Nicomachean Ethics
    3. On the Soul
    4. Organon
    5. Physics
    6. Poetics
    7. Politics
    8. Rhetoric
  15. Crito
  16. Cyropaedia
  17. De Officiis
  18. De Oratore
  19. Dead Sea Scrolls
  20. Discourses of Epictetus
  21. Doctrine of the Mean
  22. Euclid's Elements
  23. Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium
  24. Gorgias
  25. Great Learning
  26. Hippocratic Corpus
  27. Histories (Herodotus)
  28. Histories (Tacitus)
  29. History of the Peloponnesian War
  30. Instruction of Amenemope
  31. Instructions of Shuruppak
  32. Kama Sutra
  33. Kesh temple hymn
  34. Loyalist Teaching
  35. The Maxims of Ptahhotep
  36. Meditations
  37. Mencius
  38. Parallel Lives
  39. Phaedo
  40. Phaedrus
  41. Popol Vuh
  42. Protagoras
  43. Republic
  44. Septuagint
  45. Symposium
  46. Theaetetus
  47. The Twelve Caesars

Nonfiction of the medieval era (27 articles)

  1. Alexiad
  2. Book of the Civilized Man
  3. The Cloud of Unknowing
  4. Codex Regius
  5. The Consolation of Philosophy
  6. Domesday Book
  7. Ecclesiastical History of the English People
  8. Gesta Danorum
  9. Gothic Bible
  10. Gutenberg Bible
  11. Heimskringla
  12. Huolongjing
  13. The Incoherence of the Incoherence
  14. The Incoherence of the Philosophers
  15. Malleus Maleficarum
  16. Muqaddimah
  17. Philokalia
  18. Proslogion
  19. Revelations of Divine Love
  20. Scivias
  21. Sum of Logic
  22. Summa Theologica
  23. The Travels of Marco Polo
  24. Voynich manuscript
  25. Wujing Zongyao
  26. Vulgate
  27. Wycliffe's Bible

Nonfiction of early printed book era (34 articles)

  1. Common Sense
  2. Confessions
  3. Critique of Pure Reason
  4. De revolutionibus orbium coelestium
  5. Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems
  6. A Dictionary of the English Language
  7. Discourse on the Method
  8. Douay–Rheims Bible
  9. Encyclopædia Britannica
  10. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
  11. Essays
  12. Ethics
  13. The Federalist Papers
  14. Geneva Bible
  15. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  16. In Praise of Folly
  17. Institutes of the Christian Religion
  18. King James Version
  19. Leviathan
  20. Life of Samuel Johnson
  21. Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects
  22. Luther Bible
  23. Matthew Bible
  24. Ninety-five Theses
  25. Opticks
  26. Pensées
  27. Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica
  28. The Prince
  29. Samguk sagi
  30. Samguk yusa
  31. The System of Nature
  32. Tyndale Bible
  33. The Wealth of Nations
  34. Yongle Encyclopedia

Nonfiction of modern era (115 articles)

General nonfiction (76 articles)
  1. The Affluent Society
  2. The American Language
  3. American Standard Version
    1. New American Standard Bible
  4. The Art of Computer Programming
  5. Beyond Good and Evil
  6. Black Lamb and Grey Falcon
  7. A Brief History of Time
  8. Capitalism and Freedom
  9. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
  10. The Chrysanthemum and the Sword
  11. The Civil War: A Narrative
  12. Civilization and Its Discontents
  13. Coming of Age in Samoa
  14. The Communist Manifesto
  15. The Constitution of Liberty
  16. Das Kapital
  17. The Death and Life of Great American Cities
  18. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex
  19. Democracy in America
  20. Dispatches
  21. The Division of Labour in Society
  22. The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life
  23. The Elements of Style
  24. Fear and Trembling
  25. The Feminine Mystique
  26. The Feynman Lectures on Physics
  27. Foundations of Geopolitics
  28. Frank Sinatra Has a Cold
  29. The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
  30. Gödel, Escher, Bach
  31. The Golden Bough
  32. Guns, Germs, and Steel
  33. The Hero with a Thousand Faces
  34. Hiroshima
  35. History of Rome
  36. The History of the Standard Oil Company
  37. How to Win Friends and Influence People
  38. In Cold Blood
  39. The Interpretation of Dreams
  40. Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible
  41. Let Us Now Praise Famous Men
  42. The Making of the Atomic Bomb
  43. Mere Christianity
  44. Michelin Guide
  45. Mythology
  46. New International Version
  47. Night
  48. On the Origin of Species
  49. The Open Society and Its Enemies
  50. Orientalism
  51. The Origins of Totalitarianism
  52. Orthodoxy
  53. Philosophical Investigations
  54. Principia Mathematica
  55. The Principles of Psychology
  56. Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
  57. The Road to Serfdom
  58. Relativity: The Special and the General Theory
  59. Revised Version
  60. The Right Stuff
  61. The Rules of Sociological Method
  62. The Second Sex
  63. The Second World War
  64. The Selfish Gene
  65. The Seven Storey Mountain
  66. Silent Spring
  67. The Snow Leopard
  68. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
  69. A Study of History
  70. Suicide
  71. Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
  72. The Varieties of Religious Experience
  73. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
  74. Walden
  75. You Can Heal Your Life
Biographies and memoirs (26 articles)
  1. Alexander Hamilton
  2. Angela's Ashes
  3. The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas
  4. The Autobiography of Malcolm X
  5. Black Boy
  6. The Diary of a Young Girl
  7. The Double Helix
  8. The Education of Henry Adams
  9. The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
  10. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
  11. The Gulag Archipelago
  12. Homage to Catalonia
  13. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
  14. Look Homeward, Angel
  15. Mein Kampf
  16. Mémoires d'Outre-Tombe
  17. A Moveable Feast
  18. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave
  19. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
  20. Out of Africa
  21. Seven Pillars of Wisdom
  22. Speak, Memory
  23. Up from Slavery
  24. Wild Swans
  25. The Woman Warrior
  26. The Year of Magical Thinking
Essays (8 articles)
  1. A Message to Garcia
  2. Civil Disobedience
  3. On Liberty
  4. The Liberal Imagination
  5. A Room of One's Own
  6. Slouching Towards Bethlehem
  7. The Souls of Black Folk
  8. Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
Reference works (5 articles)
  1. The Birds of America
  2. The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care
  3. Guinness World Records
  4. Oxford English Dictionary
  5. Webster's Dictionary

Fiction (quota: 1,000 articles)


Fiction of the medieval era (11 articles)


Fiction of early printed book era (48 articles)


19th century fiction (90 articles)

  1. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Level 4)
    1. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
  2. The Adventures of Pinocchio
  3. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  4. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Level 4)
    1. Through the Looking-Glass
  5. Anna Karenina (Level 4)
  6. Around the World in Eighty Days
  7. Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ
  8. Black Beauty
  9. Bleak House
  10. The Brothers Karamazov (Level 4)
  11. The Charterhouse of Parma
  12. A Christmas Carol (Level 4)
  13. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
  14. The Count of Monte Cristo
  15. Cousin Bette
  16. Crime and Punishment (Level 4)
  17. Cyrano de Bergerac
  18. David Copperfield
  19. Dead Souls
  20. The Death of Ivan Ilyich
  21. Demons
  22. A Doll's House (Level 4)
  23. Dracula (Level 4)
  24. Emma
  25. The Emperor's New Clothes
  26. Eugene Onegin (Level 4)
  27. Eugénie Grandet
  28. Fathers and Sons
  29. Frankenstein (Level 4)
  30. The Gift of the Magi
  31. Great Expectations
  32. Grimms' Fairy Tales (Level 4)
  33. Heart of Darkness (Level 4)
  34. Heidi
  35. Hedda Gabler
  36. The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (Level 4)
  37. Hunger
  38. The Idiot
  39. Illusions perdues
  40. The Importance of Being Earnest (Level 4)
  41. Ivanhoe
  42. Jane Eyre (Level 4)
  43. Journey to the Center of the Earth
  44. Jude the Obscure
  45. The Jungle Book
  46. The Last of the Mohicans
  47. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
  48. Les Misérables (Level 4)
  49. The Little Mermaid
  50. Little Women (Level 4)
  51. Lord Jim
  52. Madame Bovary (Level 4)
  53. Middlemarch (Level 4)
  54. The Mill on the Floss
  55. Moby-Dick (Level 4)
  56. Oblomov
  57. Oliver Twist
  58. Père Goriot
  59. Persuasion
  60. The Picture of Dorian Gray
  61. The Portrait of a Lady
  62. Pride and Prejudice (Level 4)
  63. The Prince and the Pauper
  64. Quo Vadis
  65. The Red and the Black
  66. The Red Badge of Courage
  67. The Scarlet Letter (Level 4)
  68. Sentimental Education
  69. She: A History of Adventure
  70. The Snow Queen
  71. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
  72. A Study in Scarlet
  73. The Swiss Family Robinson
  74. A Tale of Two Cities
  75. The Tell-Tale Heart
  76. Tess of the d'Urbervilles
  77. The Three Musketeers (Level 4)
  78. Thumbelina
  79. Thus Spoke Zarathustra
  80. The Time Machine
  81. Treasure Island
  82. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
  83. The Ugly Duckling
  84. Typee
  85. Uncle Tom's Cabin (Level 4)
  86. Vanity Fair
  87. War and Peace (Level 4)
  88. Wuthering Heights (Level 4)

20th century fiction (297 articles)

Literary novels and short stories (147 articles)
  1. Absalom, Absalom!
  2. The Adventures of Augie March
  3. The Age of Innocence
  4. The Alchemist
  5. All the King's Men
  6. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
  7. And Quiet Flows the Don
  8. As I Lay Dying
  9. The Bell Jar
  10. Beloved
  11. Berlin Alexanderplatz
  12. The Bonfire of the Vanities
  13. The Book of Disquiet
  14. Brideshead Revisited
  15. Buddenbrooks
  16. The Call of the Wild (Level 4)
  17. The Castle
  18. The Catcher in the Rye (Level 4)
  19. The Color Purple (Level 4)
  20. Cry, the Beloved Country
  21. The Curse of Capistrano
  22. A Dance to the Music of Time
  23. Darkness at Noon
  24. The Death of Virgil
  25. Deliverance
  26. Disgrace
  27. Doctor Faustus
  28. Dubliners
  29. The End of the Affair
  30. Ethan Frome
  31. A Farewell to Arms
  32. Ficciones
  33. Finnegans Wake
  34. The Forsyte Saga
  35. The Fountainhead
  36. The Ginger Man
  37. The Golden Notebook
  38. The Good Soldier
  39. The Grapes of Wrath (Level 4)
  40. The Great Divorce
  41. The Great Gatsby (Level 4)
  42. The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter
  43. Henderson the Rain King
  44. Herzog
  45. The House of Mirth
  46. A House for Mr Biswas
  47. The House of the Spirits
  48. Howards End
  49. How the Steel Was Tempered
  50. If on a winter's night a traveler
  51. In Search of Lost Time (Level 4)
  52. Independent People
  53. Invisible Man
  54. Jonathan Livingston Seagull
  55. Journey to the End of the Night
  56. The Joy Luck Club
  57. Kane and Abel
  58. Kim
  59. The Last Samurai
  60. The Leopard
  61. Light in August
  62. The Little Prince (Level 4)
  63. Lolita (Level 4)
  64. Lord of the Flies
  65. Love in the Time of Cholera
  66. Lucky Jim
  67. A Madman's Diary
  68. The Magic Mountain
  69. Malone Dies
  70. The Man Who Loved Children
  71. The Man Without Qualities
  72. The Metamorphosis (Level 4)
  73. Midnight's Children (Level 4)
  74. Molloy
  75. The Moviegoer
  76. Mrs Dalloway
  77. Native Son
  78. Norwegian Wood
  79. Nostromo
  80. Of Human Bondage
  81. Of Mice and Men
  82. The Old Man and the Sea
  83. On the Road (Level 4)
  84. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
  85. One Hundred Years of Solitude (Level 4)
  86. Orlando: A Biography
  87. Pale Fire
  88. A Passage to India
  89. The Peasants
  90. Pedro Páramo
  91. The Plague
  92. The Poisonwood Bible
  93. Portnoy's Complaint
  94. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
  95. Possession
  96. A Prayer for Owen Meany
  97. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
  98. Rabbit, Run
    1. Rabbit Redux
    2. Rabbit Is Rich
    3. Rabbit at Rest
  99. Red Sorghum
  100. Rickshaw Boy
  101. A Room with a View
  102. Roots: The Saga of an American Family
  103. The Satanic Verses
  104. The Sea of Fertility
  105. Season of Migration to the North
  106. The Shipping News
  107. Siddhartha
  108. Snow Country (Level 4)
  109. Song of Solomon
  110. Sons and Lovers
  111. Sophie's World
  112. The Sound and the Fury (Level 4)
  113. Steppenwolf
  114. The Stranger
  115. The Sun Also Rises (Level 4)
  116. Taipei People
  117. Tarzan of the Apes
  118. The Temple of the Golden Pavilion
  119. Tender Is the Night
  120. Their Eyes Were Watching God
  121. Things Fall Apart (Level 4)
  122. The Thorn Birds
  123. This Side of Paradise
  124. The Tin Drum
  125. Till We Have Faces
  126. To Kill a Mockingbird (Level 4)
  127. To the Lighthouse (Level 4)
  128. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
  129. The Trial
  130. Tropic of Cancer
  131. Ulysses (Level 4)
  132. The Unbearable Lightness of Being
  133. Under the Volcano
  134. U.S.A.
  135. The Waves
  136. The Way of All Flesh
  137. White Noise
  138. White Teeth
  139. Wide Sargasso Sea
  140. The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
  141. Women in Love
  142. The World According to Garp
  143. Zeno's Conscience
  144. Zorba the Greek
Children's books (25 articles)
  1. Anne of Green Gables
  2. The Baby-Sitters Club
  3. Berenstain Bears
  4. The Black Stallion
  5. Bridge to Terabithia
  6. The Cat in the Hat
  7. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  8. Charlotte's Web
  9. Clifford the Big Red Dog
  10. Curious George
  11. Goodnight Moon
  12. Goosebumps
  13. Green Eggs and Ham
  14. Horton Hears a Who!
  15. Little House on the Prairie
  16. The Magic School Bus
  17. Matilda
  18. Mr. Men
  19. Pippi Longstocking
  20. The Tale of Peter Rabbit
  21. The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  22. Where the Wild Things Are
  23. The Wind in the Willows (Level 4)
  24. Where's Wally?
  25. Winnie-the-Pooh
Comedy and satire (8 articles)
  1. The Ambassadors
  2. Animal Farm
  3. Bridget Jones's Diary
  4. A Confederacy of Dunces
  5. The Good Soldier Švejk
  6. Fortress Besieged
  7. Infinite Jest
  8. Main Street
Crime, detective and thriller fiction (15 articles)
  1. An American Tragedy
  2. And Then There Were None
  3. The Big Sleep
  4. Brighton Rock
  5. The Hound of the Baskervilles
  6. The Living and the Dead
  7. The Long Goodbye
  8. The Maltese Falcon
  9. The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
  10. Murder on the Orient Express
  11. The Mysterious Affair at Styles
  12. The Name of the Rose
  13. The Postman Always Rings Twice
  14. Rebecca
  15. The Strange Case of Peter the Lett
Drama (33 articles)
  1. Accidental Death of an Anarchist
  2. Angels in America
  3. A Dance of the Forests
  4. A Raisin in the Sun
  5. The Birthday Party
  6. Blackrock
  7. Blasted
  8. Buried Child
  9. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
  10. The Caucasian Chalk Circle
  11. The Crucible (Level 4)
  12. Death of a Salesman
  13. Fences
  14. Glengarry Glen Ross
  15. The Little Foxes
  16. Long Day's Journey into Night
  17. Look Back in Anger
  18. Loot
  19. The Mousetrap
  20. The Odd Couple
  21. Peter and Wendy
  22. The Playboy of the Western World
  23. Private Lives
  24. Pygmalion
  25. Six Characters in Search of an Author
  26. The Skin of Our Teeth
  27. A Streetcar Named Desire
  28. The Threepenny Opera
  29. Top Girls
  30. The Vagina Monologues
  31. Waiting for Godot (Level 4)
  32. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
  33. You Can't Take It with You
Historical fiction (15 articles)
  1. American Pastoral
  2. Blood Meridian
  3. Doctor Zhivago
  4. The Egyptian
  5. Gone with the Wind
  6. The Good Earth
  7. Gravity's Rainbow (Level 4)
  8. I, Claudius
  9. The Killer Angels
  10. Memoirs of Hadrian
  11. My Ántonia
  12. My Name Is Red
  13. Parade's End
  14. The Remains of the Day
  15. Silence
Horror and gothic novels (8 articles)
  1. American Psycho
  2. The Call of Cthulhu
  3. Flowers in the Attic
  4. The Phantom of the Opera
  5. The Shadow over Innsmouth
  6. The Shining
  7. The Stand
  8. The Vampire Chronicles
Romance novels (8 articles)
  1. The Bridges of Madison County
  2. Forever Amber
  3. Lady Chatterley's Lover
  4. Lord of Scoundrels
  5. The Notebook
  6. Outlander
  7. The Price of Salt
  8. Valley of the Dolls
Science fiction and fantasy (33 articles)
  1. 2001: A Space Odyssey
  2. Atlas Shrugged
  3. Brave New World (Level 4)
  4. Childhood's End
  5. The Chronicles of Narnia (Level 4)
  6. A Clockwork Orange
  7. Discworld
  8. Dune
  9. Fahrenheit 451
  10. Flowers for Algernon
  11. Foucault's Pendulum
  12. Foundation series
  13. The Handmaid's Tale
  14. Harry Potter (Level 4)
  15. His Dark Materials
  16. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
  17. The Hobbit
  18. Legend of the Galactic Heroes
  19. The Lord of the Rings (Level 4)
  20. The Master and Margarita
  21. The Neverending Story
  22. Nineteen Eighty-Four (Level 4)
  23. The Once and Future King
  24. The Princess Bride
  25. The Silmarillion
  26. Slaughterhouse-Five
  27. Snow Crash
  28. Starship Troopers
  29. Stranger in a Strange Land
  30. The War of the Worlds (Level 4)
  31. Watership Down
  32. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
  33. A Wrinkle in Time
War novels (5 articles)
  1. All Quiet on the Western Front
  2. Catch-22
  3. The Eagle Has Landed
  4. For Whom the Bell Tolls
  5. From Here to Eternity

21st century fiction (25 articles)


Comics (56 articles)


Poetic works (quota: 226 articles)


Poetic works of antiquity (22 articles)

  1. Aeneid
  2. Chu Ci
  3. Classic of Poetry
  4. De rerum natura
  5. Diwan-e Shams-e Tabrizi
  6. Eclogues
  7. Enūma Eliš
  8. Epic of Gilgamesh
  9. Iliad
  10. Layla and Majnun
  11. Mahabharata
  12. Masnavi
  13. Metamorphoses
  14. New Songs from the Jade Terrace
  15. Odes
  16. Odyssey
  17. Pindar's First Olympian Ode
  18. Shahnameh
  19. Story of Sinuhe
  20. Pharsalia
  21. Theogony
  22. Works and Days

Poetic works of the medieval era (22 articles)

  1. Beowulf
  2. The Book of Good Love
  3. Book of Taliesin
  4. Layamon's "Brut"
  5. Cantar de mio Cid
  6. The Canterbury Tales
  7. Divine Comedy
  8. Dukus Horant
  9. Cædmon's "Hymn"
  10. The Knight in the Panther's Skin
  11. Lais of Marie de France
  12. Nibelungenlied
  13. Njáls saga
  14. Parzival
  15. Piers Plowman
  16. Poetic Edda
  17. Roman de la Rose
  18. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
  19. The Song of Roland
  20. The Tale of Igor's Campaign
  21. Troilus and Criseyde
  22. Waltharius

Poetic works of early printed book era (17 articles)

  1. Epic of Manas
  2. Holy Sonnets
  3. The Last Rose of Summer
  4. Oku no Hosomichi
  5. Orlando Furioso
  6. Os Lusíadas
  7. Paradise Lost
  8. Quan Tangshi
  9. The Rape of the Lock
  10. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
  11. Shakespeare's sonnets
    1. Sonnet 18
    2. Sonnet 20
    3. Sonnet 30
  12. The Tyger
  13. Songs of Innocence and of Experience
  14. When I Consider How My Light is Spent

Poetic works of modern era (41 articles)

  1. Aniara
  2. Ariel
    1. Daddy
  3. Because I could not stop for Death
  4. The Cantos
  5. The Charge of the Light Brigade
  6. Casey at the Bat
  7. A Coney Island of the Mind
  8. Do not go gentle into that good night
  9. Don Juan
  10. A Dream Within a Dream
  11. Duino Elegies
  12. Les Fleurs du mal
  13. Gaspard de la Nuit
  14. Howl and Other Poems
    1. Howl
  15. If—
  16. In Flanders Fields
  17. Gitanjali
  18. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
  19. John Keats's 1819 odes
  20. Kalevala
  21. L'après-midi d'un faune
  22. Leaves of Grass
  23. The Man from Snowy River
  24. The New Colossus
  25. O Captain! My Captain!
  26. Ozymandias
  27. Paul Revere's Ride
  28. A Psalm of Life
  29. Martín Fierro
  30. The Prophet
  31. The Raven
  32. The Road Not Taken
  33. A Season in Hell
  34. The Second Coming
  35. Sonnets to Orpheus
  36. The Song of Hiawatha
  37. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
  38. Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair
  39. The Waste Land